
Mac & 4 Cheese

mac & 4 cheese

mac & 4 cheese

Who doesn’t love mac & cheese?

For me, I have memories of back in the day at a friend’s house eating multiple bowls of some MSG filled orange/yellow type cheese stuff, that I’d scarf down like I was trapped in a desert for weeks and haven’t seen food since I left on the journey.

Once I was old enough to make it myself, but not smart enough to know better, I’d make my own box of bright orange/yellow cheese like substance and load it up with Sriracha or chipotle tabasco and eat it until there was just a milky residue left at the bottom of my bowl.

We bought some a few weeks ago, at you guessed it, and still have the boxes staring me in the face when I kneel down to figure out what I want to eat on those late nights (link to drunken food lament) and this Friday I decided to make some.

As this blog evolves more stuff will be made from scratch, but for now I like taking something that was about 60% made for me, then add to it. This time I had gorgonzola, gouda, goat & regular box organic dried cheese to add to the mix.   Since I don’t like just eating senseless calories with white flour & cheese I added some ‘normandy style vegetables’ steamed, and then mixed with the finished cheeses and consumed with my chipotle hot sauce*. Delish.

2 boxes of mac (from basic store bought mac & cheese, although basic quinoa basic pasta would be best, only 1 cheese packet if box pasta)
1 packet mac & cheese cheese.
1/4 c shredded gouda
1/2 c blue cheese/gorgonzola
1/4 c goat cheese
1/2 c almond milk
3 cups vegetables of choice
curry spice, onion & garlic to taste

*I try to watch my sodium and salt intake, but there are some things that I HAVE to eat some type of salt. Mac & cheese & popcorn are 2 of those definite things. In addition to penzy’s smokey mixed salt, I prefer some type of hot sauce, and in this case my chipotle hot sauce. The only boundary that my hot sauce addiction knows are cereal & ice cream, other than that I think I’ve basically put hot sauce on everything else.


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