
Mac & 4 Cheese

mac & 4 cheese

mac & 4 cheese

Who doesn’t love mac & cheese?

For me, I have memories of back in the day at a friend’s house eating multiple bowls of some MSG filled orange/yellow type cheese stuff, that I’d scarf down like I was trapped in a desert for weeks and haven’t seen food since I left on the journey.

Once I was old enough to make it myself, but not smart enough to know better, I’d make my own box of bright orange/yellow cheese like substance and load it up with Sriracha or chipotle tabasco and eat it until there was just a milky residue left at the bottom of my bowl.

We bought some a few weeks ago, at you guessed it, and still have the boxes staring me in the face when I kneel down to figure out what I want to eat on those late nights (link to drunken food lament) and this Friday I decided to make some.

As this blog evolves more stuff will be made from scratch, but for now I like taking something that was about 60% made for me, then add to it. This time I had gorgonzola, gouda, goat & regular box organic dried cheese to add to the mix.   Since I don’t like just eating senseless calories with white flour & cheese I added some ‘normandy style vegetables’ steamed, and then mixed with the finished cheeses and consumed with my chipotle hot sauce*. Delish.

2 boxes of mac (from basic store bought mac & cheese, although basic quinoa basic pasta would be best, only 1 cheese packet if box pasta)
1 packet mac & cheese cheese.
1/4 c shredded gouda
1/2 c blue cheese/gorgonzola
1/4 c goat cheese
1/2 c almond milk
3 cups vegetables of choice
curry spice, onion & garlic to taste

*I try to watch my sodium and salt intake, but there are some things that I HAVE to eat some type of salt. Mac & cheese & popcorn are 2 of those definite things. In addition to penzy’s smokey mixed salt, I prefer some type of hot sauce, and in this case my chipotle hot sauce. The only boundary that my hot sauce addiction knows are cereal & ice cream, other than that I think I’ve basically put hot sauce on everything else.

dinner, Food

Blue Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes

Blue Cheese Stuff Tomatoes
As I’ve mentioned before, the love of my life & I are members of our local CSA. Sometimes we’ll receive 10 ears of corn, and other times we’ll receive 20 heirloom tomatoes.

Well, this was one of those tomato times.

They were sitting on our counter in a brown paper bag trying to ripen and I was wondering what to do with them. I’ve always had this ‘romantic’ idea of cutting the top off of peppers or tomatoes and stuffing them with something.

Tonight was the night.

We had the cheese thanks to Costco, as well the bread crumbs and other spices.

Just to make sure I wasn’t completely off of my rocker, I borrowed heavily from Grill Grrrl to make them.

From experience I know my dear loves garlic and onions, so after scooping out the tomato ‘meat’ i threw in a layer of garlic & onion at the bottom of the tomato, then added blue cheese/gorgonzola, bread crumbs & basil to ‘taste’.

Since I have more basil than I know what to do with after baking for 20/30 min I added fresh basil diced to the top of these before serving.

4 Tomatoes
1/4 cup blue cheese/gorgonzola
1/8 bread crumbs
1/8 garlic
1/6 diced onions
basil to taste
