dinner, Food

Blue Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes

Blue Cheese Stuff Tomatoes
As I’ve mentioned before, the love of my life & I are members of our local CSA. Sometimes we’ll receive 10 ears of corn, and other times we’ll receive 20 heirloom tomatoes.

Well, this was one of those tomato times.

They were sitting on our counter in a brown paper bag trying to ripen and I was wondering what to do with them. I’ve always had this ‘romantic’ idea of cutting the top off of peppers or tomatoes and stuffing them with something.

Tonight was the night.

We had the cheese thanks to Costco, as well the bread crumbs and other spices.

Just to make sure I wasn’t completely off of my rocker, I borrowed heavily from Grill Grrrl to make them.

From experience I know my dear loves garlic and onions, so after scooping out the tomato ‘meat’ i threw in a layer of garlic & onion at the bottom of the tomato, then added blue cheese/gorgonzola, bread crumbs & basil to ‘taste’.

Since I have more basil than I know what to do with after baking for 20/30 min I added fresh basil diced to the top of these before serving.

4 Tomatoes
1/4 cup blue cheese/gorgonzola
1/8 bread crumbs
1/8 garlic
1/6 diced onions
basil to taste
